Publishers of Law Books
Áisínteacht Dáilúchán Leabhar
An Gúm
Bloomsbury Professional (Formerly Tottel Publishing)
British Institute of International & Comparative Law BIICL
Cavendish see Routledge Cavendish
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies DIAS
Gill formerly Gill & Macmillan
Government Publications Ireland
Hodder now part of Hachette
ICEL Irish Centre for European Law
ICLRI Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for Ireland
IIEA Institute for International & European Affairs
IPA Institute of Public Administration
Kluwer Law International see Wolters Kluwer/Aspen
Polymath Books
Sean Quinn
RIAI Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland
RICS Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors
Routledge Cavendish- Taylor & Francis
Willan Publishing now Taylor & Francis
James V Woods